waterfall itineraries


Bali has a lot of waterfall so famous, most of tourist come and see it...

according of  my experience, a lot of customer would like to see  noncomercial waterfall but with nice view. so in this package we will arrrange tour ittineraries about it and combain with other landscape view.


waterfall ittineraries:

price: $45

Time: 08.00 - finish

        avaiable on request

start from pick up to your hotel. than we will visit raang reng waterfall enjoy he view, The black scenery of the rocks and the green of the moss will produce cool photos.

      rangreng wterfall
than we will contiue to Tibuwana waterfall
it is located in Bangli regency...

Feel how fresh the water is in this place. Moreover, the bluish blue color is the color of this natural pool water. Its charm is even more enchanting with the presence of green trees around the waterfall.

tibuwana waterfall

than we will contiue top the last waterfall called cepung waterfall located in Bangli regency.The Tukad Cepung Waterfall is also very different from other waterfalls on the island of Bali. The waterfall which is located between the cliffs that crush us, has a view of a waterfall which is about 15 meters high and between the cliffs it looks very beautiful.

The color of the waterfall looks beautiful and clear and the cliffs are overgrown with green moss and some plants.


cepung waterfall

you could choice one of them to have bathing or swimming before we back to the hotel.

What to bring                                                    Ittinerraies included
* changing cloths                                            * local meals
* mosquito lotion                                             * A/c transport
* trekking shoes                                               * English speaking driver
* towel

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waterfall combination ittineraries noncomercial

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my name is wayan sumtra from Bali, learn how to meditate and introduce about Cakras and energies in your body. I'm 43 years old ,married and father of 2 boys.. 7 years ago spirit came to me and touched my hand,suddenly I both feel and hear things that ,I could nt before. now l can feel spirit and guide me the way if in a certain place has good energy.l got well-know in cakra knowledge.