CANDY TOUR@Purifying with hidden natural jacuzzi spot tour


Purifying with hidden natural jacuzzi spot tour

PRICE per peson in MENTION participant:

3-4 person in activity :$15/person
5-6 persons in activity :$9/person
7   person in activity  :$7/person

Check the availability of this tour price by contacting the admin.

Short description

Purifying to hidden natural jacuzzi tour

Long description

One of the programs for a spiritual adventure is to visit a place believed by the Balinese people to have a holy spring flowing with a fountain. This program is to introduce those of you who want to experience the spiritual activities of Balinese people and feel the experience of exploring more deeply Balinese culture. This program will take you to spots that are usually used by Balinese people to practice their beliefs and are far from the tourist crowds. 

We will start this program by visiting local batik which produces Balinese clothing which we will prepare to pray at the temple which will be a place to purify ourselves. visit coffee and tea plantations and watch the traditional coffee making process, which is a place if you like the taste of authentic Balinese coffee or tea that you can enjoy when you have finished the self-purification process to increase the effect of spiritual balance. After gaining knowledge which is a hereditary knowledge of making tea and coffee, we continue to one of the residents' houses. You will be taught to make simple prayer facilities before starting the journey to the holy spring which has beautiful nature and has a waterfall which is used as a place of purification. This is an interesting spiritual adventure, apart from getting mental and spiritual balance, you can also witness the natural beauty presented by the unique nature of the surroundings in purifying yourself in this place. 

The cliff walls are arranged soaring into the sky which is a hidden canyon spot and in one of the places with jacuzzi nature is sacred. You will be guided to a way of purifying yourself in nature which is indeed very beautiful but very sacred with its natural power which can balance your mind. If you experience an imbalance of mind while in jacuzzi you can unconsciously interact with the spiritual balancing power so that a trance occurs for neutralize the spiritual imbalance that exists in your mind. After the procession is finished we will continue to enjoy the offerings that we have offered first to God and God's main creatures around this place. and after the program we return to the hote

Tour included:

  • Full A/C transportation
  • English speaking driver
  • petrol

Tour excluded:

  • personal Expenses
  • tipping
  • all entrance ticket
  • Donation
  • offering
  • Balinese clothing to temple

what to bring :

  • changing cloths
  • mosquito lotion

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my name is wayan sumtra from Bali, learn how to meditate and introduce about Cakras and energies in your body. I'm 43 years old ,married and father of 2 boys.. 7 years ago spirit came to me and touched my hand,suddenly I both feel and hear things that ,I could nt before. now l can feel spirit and guide me the way if in a certain place has good energy.l got well-know in cakra knowledge.