

Duration :
 strart from 10.00am until finish

What to bring:
 changing cloths, white shirt, sarong, meditation 
or yoga mat,
Bali has plenty of meditation methods, it was descend down from one to other generation.
most of their method written down to palm leaf scrip but most of them just taken away from the island in colonies period. the method of our the ancestor can rise spiritual power one of them it was used to heal the people in medical or in spiritual sickness...most of them playing in cakra's energy.
the meditation method it was used by our the ancestor to come close to the God to find the highest purpose of Hinduism , that is Nirvana.
one of them I got from the ancestor method of meditation to to rise of spiritual power that i can use to help the people has black magic attack, some of them to help medical sickness by special massage, by lead of the ancestor spirit.
in year of 2016 , I got this knowledge  when my the Ancestor come and move my body than since that time this knowledge just flow like a water's stream, from ordinary person than I have knowledge spiritual I used it to help people with the black magic attack or medical sickness.
my the ancestor choice me to help my because of my karma in other life might not good, than My the ancestor show this way.

I will introduce you how it work in free, cause it was I got from my the ancestor, it is so wroth can be valued by money. but we will charge you for the transport and the ritual supplied.

  • Inclusions:
  • local Balinese lunch and dinner
  • Balinese traditional cloth to entering temple
  • Entering ticket to the temple
  • AC transport
  • English guide
  • Exclusions:
  • personal expenses
  • Tipping
  • Insurances


  1. Visited Places:
  2. Lumbung Sari House Of Luwak Coffee
  3. Warung Udeng Bali (Menjual Udeng Saput Dll)
  4. Pura Taman Pecampuhan Sala
  1. Starting with coffee plantations in the Ubud area, get the sensation and taste created in a traditional process, and Luwak coffee, which is the most expensive coffee in the world, has become top trending in this area.
  2. We will go to the home base which is the center of this program, we will be invited to discuss this program until the end, and we will get a short class for meditation, before leaving for the meditation place, lunch will be served.
  3. Located in the Bangli area, this temple is difficult to reach, especially for children and the elderly, especially those who are disabled because it will go down many stairs, with views of waterfalls, natural jacuzzi, which is one of the places to purify yourself with the Canyon, after changing clothes, we will continue to meditate.
  4. After finishing meditation, we will enjoy the offerings that we have offered to God and the universe which is our tradition. After praying, we will return to the hotel where you are staying.

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About Me

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my name is wayan sumtra from Bali, learn how to meditate and introduce about Cakras and energies in your body. I'm 43 years old ,married and father of 2 boys.. 7 years ago spirit came to me and touched my hand,suddenly I both feel and hear things that ,I could nt before. now l can feel spirit and guide me the way if in a certain place has good energy.l got well-know in cakra knowledge.