beaches ittineraries

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One of the reason bali has famous in the world beacuse of their beaches, start from kuta beach than know  day so many of beaches strarting to come up in tourism object...
in this  program we will introduce you to beaches when tourist is not so crowed here....

Beaches ittineraries:

price : $50                                PAY HERE BY PAYPAL

start from: 08.00
avaible on requested time

first we will visit payung beach,Around the beautiful beach of Mount Payung there are many Paragliding sports rental places.

Every tourist who does this sport will be accompanied by experts who are experts to ensure the safety of visitors.

The companion will guide the participants to play where to land by landing safely.

By using this sport, visitors can take photos of the beach from above.
Gunung payung beach

continue to next beach

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my name is wayan sumtra from Bali, learn how to meditate and introduce about Cakras and energies in your body. I'm 43 years old ,married and father of 2 boys.. 7 years ago spirit came to me and touched my hand,suddenly I both feel and hear things that ,I could nt before. now l can feel spirit and guide me the way if in a certain place has good energy.l got well-know in cakra knowledge.